2005-04-28 || 7:23 p.m.
and like the phoenix, she makes her resurrection (and corny still)

Dahahaha!! I'm back biznitches. Diaryland is still my home as far as blogging goes. This is where my online journaling took root. See vivelepunk to see all my old entries. Ah those were the days.

I'm not going to fill you in on everything that's taken place since I last wrote, but no fear. You'll figure things out as I keep writing. I promise. We'll catch up.

As for my main point, on the romance front -- Jae and I have been together for almost 6 months. Aiyeeee!!! Can you believe it? It's a pretty big deal for me. Half a year is monumental for me. My longest relationship (if it can even be counted as one) lasted 3 months. Hmmmm... yeah big deal, that's what I thought.

Unfortunately, I'll be studying on the big day as I have 3 massive finals to get through. Macro econ is most likely going to rape me up the ass. Me and macro have had some pretty explicit encounters before during the midterm, but for the final, I think it's going to be the last hurrah. Let's just hope that it'll be my last hurrah. Bleh.

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